My name is Henry Nicholls and I am absolutely thrilled that my book Sleepyhead has won the OpenBook best translation for 2019. The world is waking up to the importance of sleep and I hope my book – which explores the fascinating but often troubling world of sleep disorders – will play a part in changing attitudes towards sleep and encourage people to pay more attention to how they sleep and how they might sleep better.
When I was 21 I developed narcolepsy, a neurological disorder thought to affect around 1 in 2500 people and caused by the loss of a few tens of thousands of cells in the brain. In an organ that contains around 100 billion cells, this doesn’t sound like much these particular cells produce a neurotransmitter called hypocretin (also known as orexin), which plays a fundamental role in sustaining wakefulness during the day and sleep at night. Without hypocretin, my life began to unravel, overcome by impossible sleepiness during the day and crazily fractured night-time sleep full of the most extraordinarily vivid dreams. I experienced frequent sleep paralysis, waking up but finding myself paralysed, my brain making sense of my terror by creating a hallucination of a hooded figure standing at the end of my bed, holding an axe. I began to experience something called cataplexy, a strange phenomenon where a strong emotion, like mirth, anger or surprise causes a complete loss of muscle tone. I’d make a joke – often not very funny – my legs would give way and I’d collapse. I’d be completely conscious inside my brain but to everyone around me it would look like I’d suddenly fallen asleep or suffered a heart attack.
This one redeeming feature of narcolepsy is that it’s an excellent condition to have if you want to write a book about sleep disorders. The cause of narcolepsy – the loss of these cells – underpins so much about sleep that the symptoms are extremely wide-ranging and it was easy for me to find connections between my own experience of sleeping badly to the many other ways in which sleep can go wrong, from circadian sleep disorders to sleep apnea to sleep sex to insomnia. In order to learn about all these different sleep disorders, I interviewed doctors, scientists and patients and came to realise that the harrowing stories of the sleep deprived offer is compelling evidence for the importance of sleeping well.
Ultimately, I hope people who read Sleepyhead will learn about sleep, why it is so tremendously important for the brain and small changes that all of us – even those with a recognised sleep pathology – can make to improve sleep, wakefulness and life.
It is a great honour to receive this OpenBook award. Thank you.●
睡眠腦科學:從腦科學探討猝睡症、睡眠呼吸中止症、失眠、夢魘等各種睡眠障礙 Sleepyhead: Narcolepsy, Neuroscience and the Search for a Good Night
作者:亨利.尼可斯(Henry Nicholls)
撰文:亨利.尼可斯(Henry Nicholls)
My name is Henry Nicholls and I am absolutely thrilled that my book Sleepyhead has won the OpenBook best translation for 2019. The world is waking up to the importance of sleep and I hope my book – which explores the fascinating but often troubling world of sleep disorders – will play a part in changing attitudes towards sleep and encourage people to pay more attention to how they sleep and how they might sleep better.
When I was 21 I developed narcolepsy, a neurological disorder thought to affect around 1 in 2500 people and caused by the loss of a few tens of thousands of cells in the brain. In an organ that contains around 100 billion cells, this doesn’t sound like much these particular cells produce a neurotransmitter called hypocretin (also known as orexin), which plays a fundamental role in sustaining wakefulness during the day and sleep at night. Without hypocretin, my life began to unravel, overcome by impossible sleepiness during the day and crazily fractured night-time sleep full of the most extraordinarily vivid dreams. I experienced frequent sleep paralysis, waking up but finding myself paralysed, my brain making sense of my terror by creating a hallucination of a hooded figure standing at the end of my bed, holding an axe. I began to experience something called cataplexy, a strange phenomenon where a strong emotion, like mirth, anger or surprise causes a complete loss of muscle tone. I’d make a joke – often not very funny – my legs would give way and I’d collapse. I’d be completely conscious inside my brain but to everyone around me it would look like I’d suddenly fallen asleep or suffered a heart attack.
This one redeeming feature of narcolepsy is that it’s an excellent condition to have if you want to write a book about sleep disorders. The cause of narcolepsy – the loss of these cells – underpins so much about sleep that the symptoms are extremely wide-ranging and it was easy for me to find connections between my own experience of sleeping badly to the many other ways in which sleep can go wrong, from circadian sleep disorders to sleep apnea to sleep sex to insomnia. In order to learn about all these different sleep disorders, I interviewed doctors, scientists and patients and came to realise that the harrowing stories of the sleep deprived offer is compelling evidence for the importance of sleeping well.
Ultimately, I hope people who read Sleepyhead will learn about sleep, why it is so tremendously important for the brain and small changes that all of us – even those with a recognised sleep pathology – can make to improve sleep, wakefulness and life.
It is a great honour to receive this OpenBook award. Thank you.●
Sleepyhead: Narcolepsy, Neuroscience and the Search for a Good Night
作者:亨利.尼可斯(Henry Nicholls)


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